Windows Installation/Re-installation
Windows Installation/Re-installation
Windows Installation/Re-installation
Windows Installation/Re-installation

Windows Installation/Re-installation

  • 22 January 2025 1:53 pm
  • Sangre Grande, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Sell



With the expiration of Windows 7, we are left with 2 advance options which is Windows 10 & 11 being the latest operating systems currently available to provide latest security updates & more to ensure the safety of your computers. Despite being the latest OS, not all Pcs or Laptops can actually run it smoothly, depending on the version installed. Even tho dey’re the latest OS, there’s basic & advance versions available for the level of performance your Pc or Laptop was built to handle, otherwise you won’t get the full performance you expected.

If there’s a need for you to have your Operating System Downgraded or Upgraded, give us a Call or WhatsApp message at 302-6403 to have your system serviced with the right Operating System.With the expiration of Windows 7, we are left with 2 advance options which is Windows 10 & 11 being the latest operating systems currently available to provide the latest security updates & more to ensure the safety of your computers.

Despite being the latest OS, not all Pcs or Laptops can actually run it smoothly, depending on the version installed. Even tho dey’re the latest OS, there’s basic & advance versions available for the level of performance your Pc or Laptop was built to handle, otherwise you won’t get the full performance you expected. If there’s a need for you to have your Operating System Downgraded or Upgraded, give us a Call or WhatsApp at 302-6403 to have your system serviced with the right one.

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