Virus Removal

Virus Removal

  • 22 January 2025 1:39 pm
  • Sangre Grande, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Sell



When a Pc or Laptop starts running slow, it’s a sure sign to say dat it needs servicing or upgrading, why? Especially if you’re running high end softwares to get your job done, your Pc or Laptop needs to have good Graphics & Storage space for the software to run smoothly. Besides storage space & good graphics, you can have it all & still your Pc or Laptop runs slow because of Virus issues.

The beginning of Pc issues starts with slow operations, file corruption & missing files until it starts freezing, till it actually stops. At such stage, chances of recovery becomes highly impossible which can cause your computer to crash, & depending on the type you have especially if it’s a Laptop where the internal storage is installed onto the Motherboard itself, such types of Laptops, chances of recovery from very bad slow operations are very low, just like those Chromebooks, dat’s problems you don’t want to have.

If a Laptop doesn’t have a Sata hard drive or SSD installed, you can end up in some problems dat’ll cause you to buy a new one. If you’re Pc or Laptop is running slow compare to normal fast operations, Call or WhatsApp Da Wizz Technologies at 302-6403 to have it repaired, or even if you just need advice on choosing the right one to purchase.

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