Looking for Best Offshore / Onshore jobs in Trinidad?
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Looking for Best Offshore / Onshore jobs in Trinidad?

Looking for Best Offshore / Onshore jobs in Trinidad?

  • 22 September 2021 8:48 am
  • Job


  • Category: Local Jobs
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Industry: Logistics & Transportation
  • Educational Specialization: Human Resources


JSL’s Management Team has over 75 years’ contract labor experience in the oil and gas industry The JSL International is the Best manpower planning and resourcing in the USA. JSL’s database comprises over 1,500 resumes of extremely qualified personnel The Corporate Headquarters is located in Houston, Texas, USA. and supporting operations include Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Grenada, Suriname, Mexico, and Colombia.  Using the advanced procedures in the sectors we operate, supports us in delivering the best potential service for our clients’ at the most affordable rates without compromising on quality.


Find job-related catering, offshore, onshore, logistics industry at https://onejsl.com/current_openings/search

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